BUC Departmental Changes for the Next Quinquennium
DSC 1784

22 Oct 2021, 11:12BUC News

BUC Departmental Changes for the Next Quinquennium

Here is a list of the officers, departmental directors and executive committee members for the next quinquennium

Nominating Committee Report


Pastor Ian Sweeney - President

Pastor John Surridge - Executive Secretary

Mr Wederly Aguiar - Treasurer

Pastor Jacques Venter - Associate Executive Secretary/ Missions Executive Secretary

Pastor Dan Serb - Irish Mission President

Pastor Michael James Botha - Scottish Mission President

Pastor Graham Allcock - Welsh Mission President

BUC Departmental Directors

Pastor Kevin Johns - Youth, Pathfinders, Adventurers, Chaplaincy

Education Director - refer to incoming BUC Executive Committee

Pastor Sam Davies - Communication and Media

Adventist Discovery Centre - refer to incoming BUC Executive Committee

Pastor Eglan Brooks - Ministerial, Discipleship and Continuing Education

Dr Leslie Ackie - Family Ministries, Children's and Possibilities

Sharon Platt-McDonald - Health, Women's Ministries, Community Services

Dr Kirk Thomas - Personal Ministries, Sabbath School, Evangelism and Church Growth

Positions referred to the Incoming BUC Executive Committee

Messenger Editor Stanborough Press General Manager

Other positions will be referred to the Executive Committee - including Men’s Ministries and Prayer Ministries, Singles Ministries etc.

BUC Executive Committee