Seeking and Serving to Make God Known
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Welsh Mission encompasses Wales and the border counties of Herefordshire and Shropshire. Each week around 800 believers gather for worship in churches and small groups across the territory. Our purpose is to make God known and invite people to become followers of Jesus Christ.

Welsh Mission
Strategic Plan
Our strategic focus for 2022-2025
“Revived, Empowered, Disciple-makers”.
We are committed to nurturing our personal spiritual life so that our congregations will be vibrant places of worship, connecting with our communities. Refurbishment of several of our church buildings is currently underway to enable them to become multi-purpose centres within their communities.
We welcome and encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to become involved in our church and community activities. Training is provided to enable people to use their God-given gifts and talents to enhance our worship experiences and community outreach.
We take seriously Christ’s commission to be disciples who live as His loving witnesses, proclaiming the good news of God’s grace and salvation, making new disciples in preparation for His soon return.