BUC Session Virtual Delegate Consultation
BUC Offices

7 Jul 2021, 08:40

BUC Session Virtual Delegate Consultation


Following the postponement of the BUC Session due to government COVID regulations the British Union Conference are inviting delegates to a special delegate consultation on Friday 9 July 2021. The meeting will be held by Zoom and is scheduled to run from 09:30 to 12:30. This meeting is simply a consultation, and it will not carry any constitutional authority. Furthermore, in the interests of openness and transparency, the BUC will be inviting the wider membership to join us. The link can be found here.
Some of the topics that will be discussed include: a proposed new date for the session; the constitutional validity of our current processes; and the proposed new constitution.

In preparation for the consultation, we would strongly encourage you to become familiar with the information on our session and constitution websites at: www.bucsession.org.uk and www.bucsession.org.uk/constitution