26 Sep 2024, 11:14Sharon Platt-McDonald BUC Director for Women's Ministries, Health Ministries and Adventist Community Services
Finding Sheep
'Go Find My Sheep' was the caption for this year's General Conference (GC) enditnow® Emphasis Day (abuse awareness), a global event observed by our church community around the world on 24 August 2024.
The package provided for a full day's programme outlined with materials for both am and pm sessions, with additional support resources. These can be found at Adventist Women's Ministries | enditnow Emphasis Day
We are thrilled to report that Joanna Daniel, an experienced trauma-informed counsellor from the Welsh Mission, wrote this year's enditnow® sermon.
She also wrote the seminar 'The Trauma-Informed Church', with contributions from Samantha Fessal, Welsh Mission Women's Ministries Sponsor. We applaud the extensive and impactful ministry these ladies have undertaken in the areas of abuse awareness, prevention, and recovery and the subsequent global reach of their work.
This year's theme resonated widely across all strata of our church community, which was evident from the following responses:
"I loved the focus of this year's enditnow message, encouraging us as members to follow Jesus' nurturing ministry as the Shepherd of the flock. It spoke to me of total membership involvement. I particularly like the seminar on how we can become churches that are equipped to deal appropriately with people who suffer trauma as a result of abuse." (Church member)
One pastor reported: "The caption 'Go Find My Sheep', is evangelistic in its reach and intentional in its message."
"I wish we had such materials disseminated at the church level when I suffered abuse. Perhaps I would not have languished in the wilderness for so long. Thankfully, though, a dear sister eventually reached out to me and encouraged me to get the help I needed, which gave me the courage to return to church. I did choose a different church on my return, as I couldn't face going back to where the perpetrator worshipped." (Identified herself as an 'overcomer')
"What a refreshing aspect of abuse awareness! We are the ones to go out and find the wounded, minister to their needs, assist in their recovery and welcome them home." (Church elder)
The theme
General Conference Women's Ministries Director Galina Stele, DMin, explains the focus of the abuse awareness package. She writes:
"Both the Old and the New Testaments refer to God's people as sheep, the body of believers as a flock, and our Lord as the Shepherd. More than ever, abuse victims need to know that Jesus cares about them. And that's where we come in, says Joanna Daniel, author of the 2024 enditnow® sermon titled 'Go Find My Sheep'. The Shepherd is looking for people to go in search of the lost. He is looking for people who will minister as He does."
Emphasising the afternoon seminar and its importance in bringing awareness to the entire church, Stele further explains:
"In the seminar titled 'The Trauma-Informed Church', Joanna Daniel tells us the trauma-informed church is aware of the impact trauma makes on members' lives. The informed church operates with sensitivity, care, and compassion, making the environment safe for everyone to worship. She describes five ways the church can help traumatised people heal and find a community. They include an informed team, awareness of existing barriers, effective listening, preserved confidentiality, and continued support."
The General Conference Women's Ministries department has produced a range of resources to equip us to respond sensitively to individuals experiencing abuse. These comprise a variety of downloadable and print-ready brochures and documents. You will also find videos highlighting both the negative and positive approaches to safeguarding under the captions:
Pastoral Response to Victim Disclosure Recognising Red Flags Screening New Members
These resources can be accessed via the following link: https://women.adventist.org/enditnow-brochures
Our Women's Ministries departments at the South England Conference (SEC) and British Union Conference (BUC) are creating local abuse awareness resources to meet the needs of individuals in their regions. One is an interview with SEC President Dr Kirk Thomas, who speaks comprehensively about the church's response to abuse and safeguarding practices. The interview can be found at: https://youtu.be/kdEVCyMDJ6k?si=ZETvxtMBqxodJvnR
Appropriate action
A searching question was once asked in a discussion on how the church dealt with abuse and, in particular, what level of support was given to individuals who had suffered abuse. Having observed a poorly dealt situation, the enquirer voiced the question: "What message does it send to wounded sheep when the shepherds primarily protect the reputation and wellbeing of the wolves?"
Similar questions were addressed during a month-long abuse awareness campaign in August this year by Anastasia Ross, SEC Women's Ministries Director, in collaboration with Sharon Platt-McDonald, BUC Women's Ministries Director. Through full-day Sabbath programmes, radio shows, and video interviews, the diverse areas of abuse, recovery interventions, and safeguarding issues were covered. A full report will be featured in a subsequent BUC News article.
At all levels, our Adventist Church provides guidance on how to respond appropriately to allegations of abuse. One comprehensive resource is the BUC Safeguarding Policy, which covers aspects such as safeguarding our church and the protection of children and adults at risk of harm, domestic abuse and violence. Visit: https://adventist.uk/departments/safeguarding/
Prayer of Commitment
Father, God, thank You for shepherding us throughout the duration of our lives.
We realise our frailty and come to You in confession of our faults and failings.
Forgive us where we have neglected to properly care for Your sheep, and as a consequence, many have wandered away.
We accept your directive to "go find Your sheep." Help us to reach out with the right attitude, that will be nurturing and not judgemental. Then, when Your precious sheep returns, may our churches be welcoming and ready to embrace them with Your deep compassion, Your enduring care, and Your unconditional love. Amen.
'Go Find My Sheep' was the caption for this year's General Conference (GC) enditnow® Emphasis Day (abuse awareness), a global event observed by our church community around the world on 24 August 2024.
The package provided for a full day's programme outlined with materials for both am and pm sessions, with additional support resources. These can be found at Adventist Women's Ministries | enditnow Emphasis Day
We are thrilled to report that Joanna Daniel, an experienced trauma-informed counsellor from the Welsh Mission, wrote this year's enditnow® sermon.
She also wrote the seminar 'The Trauma-Informed Church', with contributions from Samantha Fessal, Welsh Mission Women's Ministries Sponsor. We applaud the extensive and impactful ministry these ladies have undertaken in the areas of abuse awareness, prevention, and recovery and the subsequent global reach of their work.
This year's theme resonated widely across all strata of our church community, which was evident from the following responses:
"I loved the focus of this year's enditnow message, encouraging us as members to follow Jesus' nurturing ministry as the Shepherd of the flock. It spoke to me of total membership involvement. I particularly like the seminar on how we can become churches that are equipped to deal appropriately with people who suffer trauma as a result of abuse." (Church member)
One pastor reported: "The caption 'Go Find My Sheep', is evangelistic in its reach and intentional in its message."
"I wish we had such materials disseminated at the church level when I suffered abuse. Perhaps I would not have languished in the wilderness for so long. Thankfully, though, a dear sister eventually reached out to me and encouraged me to get the help I needed, which gave me the courage to return to church. I did choose a different church on my return, as I couldn't face going back to where the perpetrator worshipped." (Identified herself as an 'overcomer')
"What a refreshing aspect of abuse awareness! We are the ones to go out and find the wounded, minister to their needs, assist in their recovery and welcome them home." (Church elder)
The theme
General Conference Women's Ministries Director Galina Stele, DMin, explains the focus of the abuse awareness package. She writes:
"Both the Old and the New Testaments refer to God's people as sheep, the body of believers as a flock, and our Lord as the Shepherd. More than ever, abuse victims need to know that Jesus cares about them. And that's where we come in, says Joanna Daniel, author of the 2024 enditnow® sermon titled 'Go Find My Sheep'. The Shepherd is looking for people to go in search of the lost. He is looking for people who will minister as He does."
Emphasising the afternoon seminar and its importance in bringing awareness to the entire church, Stele further explains:
"In the seminar titled 'The Trauma-Informed Church', Joanna Daniel tells us the trauma-informed church is aware of the impact trauma makes on members' lives. The informed church operates with sensitivity, care, and compassion, making the environment safe for everyone to worship. She describes five ways the church can help traumatised people heal and find a community. They include an informed team, awareness of existing barriers, effective listening, preserved confidentiality, and continued support."
The General Conference Women's Ministries department has produced a range of resources to equip us to respond sensitively to individuals experiencing abuse. These comprise a variety of downloadable and print-ready brochures and documents. You will also find videos highlighting both the negative and positive approaches to safeguarding under the captions:
Pastoral Response to Victim Disclosure Recognising Red Flags Screening New Members
These resources can be accessed via the following link: https://women.adventist.org/enditnow-brochures
Our Women's Ministries departments at the South England Conference (SEC) and British Union Conference (BUC) are creating local abuse awareness resources to meet the needs of individuals in their regions. One is an interview with SEC President Dr Kirk Thomas, who speaks comprehensively about the church's response to abuse and safeguarding practices. The interview can be found at: https://youtu.be/kdEVCyMDJ6k?si=ZETvxtMBqxodJvnR
Appropriate action
A searching question was once asked in a discussion on how the church dealt with abuse and, in particular, what level of support was given to individuals who had suffered abuse. Having observed a poorly dealt situation, the enquirer voiced the question: "What message does it send to wounded sheep when the shepherds primarily protect the reputation and wellbeing of the wolves?"
Similar questions were addressed during a month-long abuse awareness campaign in August this year by Anastasia Ross, SEC Women's Ministries Director, in collaboration with Sharon Platt-McDonald, BUC Women's Ministries Director. Through full-day Sabbath programmes, radio shows, and video interviews, the diverse areas of abuse, recovery interventions, and safeguarding issues were covered. A full report will be featured in a subsequent BUC News article.
At all levels, our Adventist Church provides guidance on how to respond appropriately to allegations of abuse. One comprehensive resource is the BUC Safeguarding Policy, which covers aspects such as safeguarding our church and the protection of children and adults at risk of harm, domestic abuse and violence. Visit: https://adventist.uk/departments/safeguarding/
Prayer of Commitment
Father, God, thank You for shepherding us throughout the duration of our lives.
We realise our frailty and come to You in confession of our faults and failings.
Forgive us where we have neglected to properly care for Your sheep, and as a consequence, many have wandered away.
We accept your directive to "go find Your sheep." Help us to reach out with the right attitude, that will be nurturing and not judgemental. Then, when Your precious sheep returns, may our churches be welcoming and ready to embrace them with Your deep compassion, Your enduring care, and Your unconditional love. Amen.