Messenger Update Message
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24 Mar 2020, 16:28David Neal, Editor

Messenger Update Message

Despite the fallout from the coronavirus, the Stanborough Press is still planning to continue to produce and distribute Messenger as usual.

However, the decision has been taken not to distribute Messenger 6, as it contained material which had become outdated due to the escalating events of the past week.

Messenger 7 has gone to print and is now with PM secretaries - the week commencing 30 March.

During the next few weeks, please visit our Messenger Extra Facebook page to stay connected, with a new weekly online devotional blog by the editor.

My team and I are determined to continue this service to help keep the Church together during these very difficult times. Keeping us all together is the most important priority in this. Until further notice, each edition of Messenger will be published in digital format only.